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You have access to different reports based on your role. Look at this article for more information.
How to Filter a Report
1. In Learn@HubSpot, click on the menu item related to your role. (These are noted in the orange box at the top of this article.)
2. Select the report you want to view.
3. Edit the filters as needed.
- You can do this by editing the dropdown, search bar, or multi-select tool for each filter.
Report filters are available at the top of the report. These often include name, course name, or completion status, etc. You can find an overview of the most commonly used filters below.
Note: If you don't see the filter you need, click "Show more..."
4. Click Search when you have the filters that you want.
Commonly Used Filters:
- Name - input the name of a particular user if you're interested in seeing a report filtered by an individual user's activity on the LMS.
- Course Name - input the name of a particular course to filter the report
- Completion Status - choose one or multiple completion statuses in order to filter by a particular course completion status
- Course Category - choose one or multiple course categories to filter by course categories
- Date Completed - use this filter if you want to restrict the dates for your report
How to Create a Saved Search
Saved searches will allow you to easily access the same filtered search without having to add filter in every time.
Create a saved search after you have added filters to your report.
1. In Learn@HubSpot, click on the menu item related to your role. (These are noted in the orange box at the top of this article.)
2. Follow the steps above to add your filters.
3. Once your filters are applied, click Save Search to the left (under the filter options)
4. Name your report
5. Determine if you want to others in the company to be able to see this filtered report
- If you select "Let others view" anyone with access to the report will now see your saved search in the Saved Searches dropdown.
6. Click "Save changes"
To view a saved search, click on the drop down menu next to "View a Saved Search"
How to Sort a Report
Once you've filtered a report, you can sort that report easily.
1. Click the heading title for the column you want to sort.
- This will sort the report in an "ascending" or "descending" manner.
How to Download a Report
1. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the report
2. Click on the dropdown menu next to Export as and choose the file format that you want to download the report in
3. Click on Export
4. You should now see the report in your Downloads folder.
Note: We do not have scheduled reporting at this time. You must download a new report each time you would like the latest information in the system.