Why is My Dashboard Not Updating?

There are two different types of URLs to access a dashboard:
  1. One with "index" in the URL (e.g. https://learn.hubspot.com/totara/dashboard/index.php?id=25)  
  2. One with "layout" in the URL (e.g.https://learn.hubspot.com/totara/dashboard/layout.php?id=25)

The first type of URL with "index" is what all HubSpotters will get to when they access the dashboard from the main navigation menu. 


The second type of URL with "layout" is what the dashboard editors will get to when they access the dashboard from the "Manage Dashboard" settings. The "Manage Dashboard" settings is where someone creates/edits a dashboard. HubSpotters with no dashboard editing permissions would not be able to view/access this link.

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If you have dashboard editing permissions, you will see a "Customize this page" button on the "index" URL. Clicking this button allows you to customize your own view of this dashboard. So when you're editing a dashboard, you want to make sure that you're editing from the "layout" URL and not the "index" URL, so that the changes are reflected for all HubSpotters. 

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Once you have made changes to a "layout" URL, they should be reflected on the "index" URL, unless someone has customised their own "index" URL. To ensure that your changes are also effected for those who have customised their own "index" URL, you'll need to click the "Reset dashboard for all users" button on the "layout" URL. 
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