Create an Audience

Table of Contents

Create a Dynamic Audience
Create a Set Audience

Upload an Audience via a CSV


The Audiences functionality allows administrators to quickly or automatically assign members for:

  • Enrolment in any number of courses, programs and/or certifications.
  • Visibility of any number of courses, programs and/or certifications.
  • System level access rights.

There are two types of audiences:

Set: A set audience allows you to manually select and add any user to the group - similar to a Static List in HubSpot.
Dynamic: A dynamic audience is automatically created and maintained based on a set of rules you create - similar to an Active List in HubSpot.

Create a Dynamic Audience

1. In Learn@HubSpot, click the settings gear icon settings gear icon in the top right corner, then click Audiences.

Please note: you can also navigate to Audiences by selecting it from the Site Administration menu on the left sidebar menu found on any course page. 

2. Select the Add new audience tab.

3. Enter the audience Name. This is a mandatory field.

4. Under Context select System.

5. Select Dynamic from the Type dropdown field.

create an audience_screenshot 1

6. Skip the Audiences ID number.

7. Set a Description. This should start with [Your Name] in brackets and a line explaining who's in the audience.

8. Skip the Start and End date.

9. Skip the Alerts.

10. Skip the Tags.

11. Select Save changes.

12. You will be automatically taken to the Rule sets tab for this new audience.

13. From the Rule sets tab select the Add rule dropdown menu.

create an audience_screenshot 2

14. You can now select the rule you wish to add to the audience group.*

15. Set the rule options as required and select Save.

16. When a rule has been added to the first rule set, the Membership setting between each rule in this rule set option appears. If you have two or more rules in your set this allows you to set the logic between the rules in this set. There are two choices:

    1. And: The user needs to match every rule in the set
    2. Or: The user needs to match one of the rules in the set

17. You can set as many rules as required to make your audience group.

18. When you have added all the required rules, click Approve changes to save your rules.
check and edit an audiences members_screenshot1

*You can find more details about rule logic here.

Create a Set Audience

1. In Learn@HubSpot, click the settings gear icon settings gear icon in the top right corner, then click Audiences.

Please note: you can also navigate to Audiences by selecting it from the Site Administration menu on the left sidebar menu found on any course page. 

2. Select the Add new audience tab.

3. Enter the audience Name. This is a mandatory field.

4. Under Context select System.

5. Select Set from the Type dropdown field.

6. Skip the Audiences ID number

7. Set a Description. This should start with [Your Name] in brackets and a line explaining who's in the audience

8. Skip the Start and End date.

9. Skip the Alerts.

10. Skip the Tags.

11. Select Save changes.

12. You will be automatically taken to the Edit members tab for this new audience.

13. To assign members to the audience group, search or browse the list of potential users in the right hand column, select the user(s) you require and select Add. The user(s) now appear in the Current users column.

create an audience_screenshot 3

14. To remove members from the audience group, search or browse the list of Current users in the left hand column, select the user(s) you require and select Remove. The user(s) now appear in the potential users column.

Pro Tip: Hold down the Alt (PC) or Command (Mac) key to select multiple users to add or remove. 

15. Changes are automatically saved. Select Back to audiences to return to the audience management page.

Upload an Audience via a CSV

1. In Learn@HubSpot, click the settings gear icon settings gear icon in the top right corner, then click Audiences.

2. Select the Add new audience tab.

3. Enter the audience Name. This is a mandatory field.

4. Under Context select System.

5. Select Set from the Type dropdown field.

6. Skip the Audiences ID number

7. Set a Description. This should start with [Your Name] in brackets and a line explaining who's in the audience

8. Skip the Start and End date.

9. Skip the Alerts.

10. Skip the Tags.

11. Select Save changes.

12. Take note of the ID in the URL:



13. Create a CSV file with two columns. The headers should be:

  • "username"
  • "cohort1" - this is for the Audience ID from the URL noted in step 12

Example CSV layout:

username cohort1
rmongeau 221


Pro Tip: If you are working off an existing spreadsheet with users listed by their HubSpot email addresses, use the "find and replace" option in Excel or Numbers and replace with nothing (not even a blank space). You will be left with the Learn@HubSpot username. 

14. Click the settings gear icon settings gear icon in the top right corner, then click Users.

15. Click Upload Users on the left

16. Upload your CSV

17. Click Upload Users

18. You'll see a preview screen, for Upload Type, select Update existing users only

Note: if anyone in your audience is noted as an admin in the system, you will have to manually enroll that user into the audience. Uploading an admin user to an audience via csv will not work. 

19. Go back to your Audience and confirm your users are added